Through contacts in the 1970’s I got friends with an international studfarm the Kossack Stud.
Here i learend how to groom, train, ride and of all love and respect Horses. Photography was already a hobby of mine and so the two were combined.
The interest in taking high quality Photos was born.
This of course for all kind of breeds and events.
But the Arabians have a special place in my hart because they are a multi-purpose horse.Due to there stamina, hardness and character you will find them in dressage, jumping, eventing, race track, endurance, western, carthorse, showring and as a family horse. And above all itís a horse with a lot of expression, which makes the Arabian Horse an thankfull creature to take Pictureís off. I hope that this home page gives you an impression of what kind of Photo’s or Video’s I take. If you are interested to make off your beautifull Horse'(s) a Photo/Video shoot by me please contact me for more information about conditions and booking. Looking forward meeting you. Let’s go for it.
- DUTCH AMATEUR CUP 2024view the show
- EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2024view the show
- AVS SPORT 2024view the show
- All NATIONS CUP 2024view the show
- GERMAN NATIONALS 2024view the show